Wednesday, January 8, 2014

GBA Wins Engineering Excellence Award

GBA was awarded an American Council of Engineering Companies of Kansas (ACEC KS) Engineering Excellence Award for the Resourceful Kansas project. The award will be given
at the organization’s annual membership luncheon in June. By winning the state award, it is also eligible for the National ACEC Engineering Excellence Award. The results of the National Award will be given in April.

Funded by a $3 million Department of Energy grant, Resourceful Kansas was designed to engage communities statewide in making a fundamental shift toward a less energy-intensive, more efficient economy.

GBA helped provide 24 educational seminars to various organizations across the state providing over 400 participants an opportunity to learn about sustainable technologies and practices to improve energy efficiency. Following the seminars, GBA conducted energy assessments for 83 selected organizations that addressed energy and water usage, renewable energy generation and transportation energy impacts. GBA also served as project manager for the full $3 million project, including meeting federal government reporting requirements.  All together, GBA covered over 4,850,000 square feet of floor space and identified over 4,675,000 kWh in energy savings that would be achieved with a payback less than five years.

Congrats to everyone that helped with Resourceful Kansas!

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